Friday, October 7, 2022

Benzoyl Peroxide for Acne: How it Works and How to Use It

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How to Treat Acne with Benzoyl Peroxide

What is benzoyl peroxide?

Benzoyl peroxide is a well-known ingredient for fighting acne. Available in over-the-counter (OTC) gels, cleansers, and spot treatments, this ingredient comes in different concentrations for mild to moderate breakouts.

While benzoyl peroxide can effectively get rid of bacteria and dead skin cells that clog your pores, it has limitations. Let’s cover the pros and cons and when to talk to a dermatologist (skin care specialist) if OTC products aren’t doing the job.

Is benzoyl peroxide good for acne?

Benzoyl peroxide works to treat and prevent acne by killing bacteria underneath the skin, as well as helping the pores shed dead skin cells and excess sebum (oil).

Benzoyl peroxide for pimples

Benzoyl peroxide works particularly well for inflammatory acne, which is characterized by red bumps that contain pus — pustules, papules, cysts, and nodules — instead of whiteheads and blackheads.

Benzoyl peroxide for cystic acne

Cystic acne is considered the most serious form of acne, which also makes it the most difficult to treat.

It’s characterized by hard bumps below the surface of your skin. While these pimples may have pus deep inside them, it’s difficult to identify any prominent “heads.”

P. acnes bacteria is one contributor to cystic acne, which benzoyl peroxide may help treat in combination with prescription medications.

If you have this type of acne, consult a dermatologist for your best treatment options.

Benzoyl peroxide for blackheads and whiteheads

Blackheads and whiteheads are still considered acne. However, they are classified as noninflammatory because they don’t cause the red bumps that are associated with other types of acne pimples.

You may be dealing with both of these types of acne and might be wondering if you can use benzoyl peroxide for noninflammatory spots too.

While benzoyl peroxide can help treat oil and dead skill cells that clog your pores, this may not be the best treatment option available for blackheads and whiteheads.

While benzoyl peroxide does help treat certain types of acne, topical retinoids are benzac peggioramento iniziale the first line of treatment. This includes adapalene and tretinoin.

Some adapalene products, such as Differin Gel, are available OTC. Tretinoin products require a prescription.

Benzoyl peroxide for acne scars

Acne scars are sometimes a result of an acne outbreak. This is especially the case with inflammatory acne, even if you successfully resist the urge to pick at the lesions.

Acne scars can worsen with sun exposure, so it’s important to wear sunscreen every day. In theory, benzoyl peroxide could also help shed dead skin cells and make the scars less prominent. However, research doesn’t support this use.

How to use benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide comes in the form of many acne treatment products. It’s important to select the right one for come usare benzac gel skin care concern as well as preference.

For example, you may prefer to use a wash formulated specifically for your body rather than your face. Or you might decide to choose a gel.

Another key is to choose the appropriate concentration. The concentration that you choose to use may depend on your skin.

Some people can tolerate products with a high percentage of benzoyl peroxide (up to 10 percent) on their skin. Others may prefer a lower percentage.

What concentration to use also depends on where you apply the benzoyl peroxide.

The face is rather sensitive, so many choose to use a lower concentration (around 4 percent) in that area, while the chest and back are more resilient and can tolerate a higher concentration.

Benzoyl peroxide may be found in the following acne treatment products:

  • acne creams and lotions: typically applied once or twice a day on the entire area of skin as both a treatment and preventive measure
  • face washes and foams: used once or twice a day to help prevent acne and treat existing lesions
  • acne body washes and soaps: ideal if you have frequent breakouts on the chest, back, and other areas of the body
  • gels: tend to come in the form of spot treatments with higher concentrations and are typically applied only to the affected area

Side effects of using benzoyl peroxide on the skin

While considered safe for most people, benzoyl peroxide can cause side effects. This is especially the case when you first start using the product.

It may be helpful to use it once a day, and then build up the frequency in application over time if your skin can tolerate it. You can also minimize side effects by starting with a lower concentration.

Talk to a dermatologist about the following side effects and precautions of using benzoyl peroxide for acne.

Skin side effects

Benzoyl peroxide works by peeling away the skin to get rid of dead skin cells, excessive oil, and bacteria that may be trapped underneath.

Such effects can lead to dryness, as well as redness and excessive peeling. You might notice itching and general irritation at the site of application too.

Don’t use benzoyl peroxide if you have a sunburn.

Stained clothing and hair

Benzoyl peroxide is known for staining clothing and hair. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after each use.

You might also consider skipping an application right before a workout so you don’t transfer the product to your hair and clothing via sweat.

Allergic reactions

While allergic reactions from benzoyl peroxide are considered rare, they are still possible. Stop using the product immediately if the treated areas have redness and irritation.

You should go to an emergency room right away if you have severe swelling and breathing difficulties, as these may be signs of an allergic reaction.

Benzoyl peroxide and skin conditions

A dermatologist may not recommend benzoyl peroxide if you have sensitive skin, as this skin type is more prone to side effects such as rashes and irritation.

Benzoyl peroxide benzac ac 5 gel south africa might not be the best choice if you have eczema or seborrheic dermatitis.

Benzoyl peroxide vs. salicylic acid for acne

While benzoyl peroxide is a staple for treating inflammatory acne, it’s worth considering salicylic acid if you also have noninflammatory acne (blackheads and whiteheads).

Both help clean pores, but salicylic acid’s primary role is to get rid of dead skin cells. Such exfoliating effects may help treat noninflammatory lesions.

It also won’t stain your hair or clothing like benzoyl peroxide can. But it can still lead to dry, red, and peeling skin, especially when you first start using a product containing salicylic acid.

As a rule of thumb, if you have inflammatory acne along with oily, less sensitive skin, benzoyl peroxide may be the better choice.

Other OTC acne treatments

Benzoyl peroxide isn’t your only treatment option for acne and acne scars. Other OTC products can help treat bacteria, excessive oil, and dead skin cells too. Consider the following treatments:

When to see a doctor

No acne product will clear up your blemishes and scars overnight. Such is the case with benzoyl peroxide. It can take up to six weeks for new products to take full effect.

If you don’t see any improvements after six weeks, consider seeing a dermatologist. They might recommend a prescription-strength formula, especially if your acne is severe. They may also recommend an entirely different treatment option.

Be prepared to answer questions about your acne and its severity so your dermatologist can determine the best treatment option possible. They will also conduct a skin exam to see the type of acne you have.

The takeaway

Benzoyl peroxide is one of the many options available for treating acne.

Its enduring popularity goes beyond its availability and affordability — benzoyl peroxide can help treat inflammatory acne lesions and related scarring. It’s most helpful when used together with other treatments, such as topical retinoids.

Still, everyone’s skin is different, and benzoyl peroxide may not work for all. Give any new acne product several weeks to take full effect before moving on to the next one. See a dermatologist if OTC products aren’t working or if you develop a negative reaction to benzoyl peroxide.



- Adapalene And Benzoyl Peroxide (Topical Application Route) Proper Use - Mayo Clinic


Curing Your Acne With Over The Counter Products

If you walk through any drug store you will find a wide variety of topical acne medications available without a prescription.  They all declare a similar message about clear skin.  If you examine the ingredients closely you will find that they all contain varying degrees of different medications and this can be very confusing.  In today’s post I’m going to cover the common acne medications that are available like Adapalene and Benzoyl Peroxide over the counter and provide some specific recommendations about what products work best for which types of acne.

Before we jump into this, I want to take a minute to refresh the topics that I have already covered in this blog series.  We started with the most important step – making the diagnosis.  There are four types of acne and knowing the type of acne that you have will be key in determining the best treatment options.  Next up was the best face wash for acne prone skin.  Keeping your skin clean is important and in this post we covered the types of cleansers available as well as how to properly clean your face.  The third post was all about oily skin – the cause of oil and what you can do to help control it.  If you are new here, enter your email address below and I’ll send the prior posts to you. 

Knowing the type of acne you have will help determine what products will best treat that acne.  A quick review of the four types of acne:  1) comedonal acne (non-inflammatory); 2) inflammatory acne (pustular and cystic); 3) combination acne (both comedonal and inflammatory); and 4) hormonal acne.

The two main ingredients in OTC acne medications are Salicylic Acid and Benzoyl Peroxide.  This summer, the Federal Drug Administration approved adapalene (aka differin), which is a topical retinoid, for over the counter sales. This is huge in the acne world, because prior to this you usually needed a prescription to procure a retinoid.    Update: In January, 2017 Adapalene became available over the counter. Read on below for how to purchase.  If you remember back to the 2nd post in this series, we discussed these same ingredients in face washes.  It’s important to find a balance of products that will treat your acne without causing irritation.  Too much of any ingredient could leave you with dry, irritated skin. 

The ingredients

First up, Salicylic Acid.  This is probably the most common solution when it comes to treating acne.  Salicylic acid is comedolytic meaning that it helps declog blackheads and whiteheads so it’s great cuanto cuesta benzac en mexico treating comedonal acne.  Salicylic acid also works as a powerful exfoliator and will slough off dead skin.  Products that contain 0.5 to 2 percent salicylic acid would be recommended – anything stronger will likely cause irritation.   Salicylic acid is best used as a face wash. There are many OTC salicylic acid spot treatments, but I do not believe that spot treating acne works very well. Salicylic acid can also be used in much higher strengths in chemical peels. I use these often in my acne patients. However, these peels should be performed in a doctor’s office. Non-Surgical Nose Job

cSalicylic is an aspirin based product so if you are allergic to aspirin, products that contain salicylic acid should be avoided.  If you are looking for a face wash that contains salicylic acid to help clear up comedonal acne, I recommend Neutrogena Acne Wash or Hydropeptide Purifying Cleanser (order from Hydropeptide with code Doctor-Ip for 15% discount!). 

Next is Benzoyl Peroxide.  If you have inflammatory acne, this is the product for you. Benzoyl Peroxide unclogs pores and stops bacteria (which is the cause of inflammatory acne).  Typically available in strengths that range from 2.5% to 10%, starting with a low strength is recommended until you know how your skin will react to the product.  People often report dry skin and some slight burning or tingling when starting to use this product.  After applying the medication, I recommend using a thick cream to help retain moisture and prevent dryness.  My personal favorite is OTC benzoyl peroxide is Obagi Clenziderm Therapeutic Lotion.

Finally, a new introduction to the OTC acne treatment options is Differin. In July, 2016 the FDA approved Differin for OTC use.  Differin is a retinoid that treats mild to moderate acne. Topical retinoids are powerful comedolytics, which means that it can help knock blackheads out of the water.  They help to encourage cell turnover and reduce inflammation.  Differin is usually very effective on blackheads and whiteheads (comedonal acne) and tends to be less irritating than other prescription based retinoid treatments.  Only a small amount is needed nightly, a pea-sized amount for the entire face.   

In January, 2016 Differin was released for sale over the counter.  I’ve seen it on shelves at Target, Walgreen’s, CVS and on 

Woman touching her face

If you remember back to Step 2 of the Cure Your Acne blog (The Best Face Wash For Acne Prone Skin), there are many facial cleansers that contain Salicylic Acid and Benzoyl Peroxide (two of the ingredients that I’ve covered above).  The key to clearing your skin is finding the correct balance of ingredients for your skin type.  Below I’ve summarized my suggested routine for each type of acne.  Often, I find that the best combination is a gentle cleanser with treatments applied after washing.  Too much of any one ingredient could cause excessive dryness and further irritate the skin. 

  • Comedonal acne – Wash with a gentle cleanser twice a day, followed by a moisturizer.  In the evening, use a pea-sized amount of a topical retinoid (Differin) before applying moisturizer.
  • Inflammatory acne – Wash with a gentle cleaner and use a mild OTC benzoyl peroxide cream twice a day, followed by a moisturizer
  • Combination acne – Wash with a gentle cleanser twice a day.  A mild OTC benzoyl peroxide cream can be used during the day and a topical retinoid like Differin can be used at night. After medication is applied a moisturizer should always be applied.
  • Hormonal acne – A combination of products may be effective but you will likely need a hormonal remedy.

Product Recommendations

Gentle Cleanser:  Hydropeptide Cleansing Gel or Vanicream Facial Cleanser

OTC Retinoid:  Differin

OTC Benzoyl Peroxide:  Obagi Clenziderm Therapeutic Lotion or La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo Dual Action Acne Treatment

Moisturizer:  CerAve AM and Cerave PM add Vanicream if you experience excessive dryness

As with most products that are applied topically, a small amount of the drug can enter your bloodstream.  If you are pregnant or breastfeeding these products are not safe to use and should be avoided.  When starting a new treatment for acne it is important to ease into the new routine.  Start off by applying any new medications every other evening as part of your skincare routine and only increase to daily if you find that you need it.  Also, these treatments tend to be very drying so you will want to make sure you are moisturizing well when using.  My preferred facial moisturizers are Cerave AM, Cerave PM and Vanicream. 

Looking for more skin tips & advice like Adapalene and Benzoyl Peroxide over the counter?  Take the Clear Skin Challenge.  A free e-book filled with tips to set you on a path to clear skin.  Click here to sign up with Vibrant Dermatolog!

How to Treat Acne with Benzoyl Peroxide

What is benzoyl peroxide?

Benzoyl peroxide is a well-known ingredient for fighting acne. Available in over-the-counter (OTC) gels, cleansers, and spot treatments, this ingredient comes in different concentrations for mild to moderate breakouts.

While benzoyl peroxide can effectively get rid of bacteria and dead skin cells that clog your pores, it has limitations. Let’s cover the pros and cons and when to talk to a dermatologist (skin care specialist) if OTC products aren’t doing the job.

Is benzoyl peroxide good for acne?

Benzoyl peroxide works to treat and prevent acne by killing bacteria underneath the skin, as well as helping the pores shed dead benzac ac wash generic cells and excess sebum (oil).

Benzoyl peroxide for pimples

Benzoyl peroxide works particularly well for inflammatory acne, which is characterized by red bumps that contain pus — pustules, papules, cysts, and nodules — instead of whiteheads and blackheads.

Benzoyl peroxide for cystic acne

Cystic acne is considered the most serious form of acne, which also makes it the most difficult to treat.

It’s characterized by hard bumps below the surface of your skin. While these pimples may have pus deep inside them, it’s difficult to identify any prominent “heads.”

P. acnes bacteria is one contributor to cystic acne, which benzoyl peroxide may help treat in combination with prescription medications.

If you have this type of acne, consult a dermatologist for your best treatment options.

Benzoyl peroxide for blackheads and whiteheads

Blackheads and whiteheads are still considered acne. However, they are classified as noninflammatory because they don’t cause the red bumps that are associated with other types of acne pimples.

You may be dealing with both of these types of acne and might be wondering if you can use benzoyl peroxide for noninflammatory spots too.

While benzoyl peroxide can help treat oil and dead where can i buy benzac ac cells that clog your pores, this may not be the best treatment option available for blackheads and whiteheads.

While benzoyl peroxide does help treat certain types of acne, topical retinoids are considered the first line of treatment. This includes adapalene and tretinoin.

Some adapalene products, such as Differin Gel, are available OTC. Tretinoin products require a prescription.

Benzoyl peroxide for acne scars

Acne scars are sometimes a result of an acne outbreak. This is especially the case with inflammatory acne, even if you successfully resist the urge to pick at the lesions.

Acne scars can worsen with sun exposure, so it’s important to wear sunscreen every day. In theory, benzoyl peroxide could also help shed dead skin cells and make the scars less prominent. However, research doesn’t support this use.

How to use benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide comes in the form of many acne treatment products. It’s important to select the right one for your skin care concern as well as preference.

For example, you may prefer to use a wash formulated specifically for your body rather than your face. Or you might decide to choose a gel.

Another key is to choose the appropriate concentration. The concentration that you choose to use may depend on your skin.

Some people can tolerate products with a high percentage of benzoyl peroxide (up to 10 percent) on their skin. Others may prefer a lower percentage.

What concentration to use also depends on where you apply the benzoyl peroxide.

The face is rather sensitive, so many choose to use a lower concentration (around 4 percent) in that area, while the chest and back are more resilient and can tolerate a higher concentration.

Benzoyl peroxide may be found in the following acne treatment products:

  • acne creams and lotions: typically applied once or twice a day on the entire area of skin as both a treatment and preventive measure
  • face washes and foams: used once or twice a day to help prevent acne and treat existing lesions
  • acne body washes and soaps: ideal if you have frequent breakouts on the chest, back, and other areas of the body
  • gels: tend to come in the form of spot treatments with higher concentrations and are typically applied only to the affected area

Side effects of using benzoyl peroxide on the skin

While considered safe for most people, benzoyl peroxide can cause side effects. This is especially the case when you first start using the product.

It may be helpful to use it once a day, and then build up the frequency in application over time if your skin can tolerate it. You can also minimize side effects by starting with a lower concentration.

Talk to a dermatologist about the following side effects and precautions of using benzoyl peroxide for acne.

Skin side effects

Benzoyl peroxide works by peeling away the skin to get rid of dead skin cells, excessive oil, and bacteria that may be trapped underneath.

Such effects can lead to dryness, as well as redness and excessive peeling. You might notice itching and general irritation at the site of application too.

Don’t use benzoyl peroxide if you have a sunburn.

Stained clothing and hair

Benzoyl peroxide is known for staining clothing and hair. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after each use.

You might also consider skipping an application right before a workout so you don’t transfer the product to your hair and clothing via sweat.

Allergic reactions

While allergic reactions from benzoyl peroxide are considered rare, they are still possible. Stop using the product immediately if the treated areas have redness and irritation.

You should go to an emergency room right away if you have severe swelling and breathing difficulties, as these may be signs of an allergic reaction.

Benzoyl peroxide and skin conditions

A dermatologist may not recommend benzoyl peroxide if you have sensitive skin, as this skin type is more prone to side effects such as rashes and irritation.

Benzoyl peroxide also might not be the best choice if you have eczema or seborrheic dermatitis.

Benzoyl peroxide vs. salicylic acid for acne

While benzoyl peroxide is a staple for treating inflammatory acne, it’s worth considering salicylic acid if you also have noninflammatory acne (blackheads and whiteheads).

Both help clean pores, but salicylic acid’s primary role is to get rid of dead skin cells. Such exfoliating effects may help treat noninflammatory lesions.

It also won’t stain your hair or clothing like benzoyl peroxide can. But it can still lead to dry, red, and peeling skin, especially when you first start using a product containing salicylic acid.

As a rule of thumb, if you have inflammatory acne along with oily, less sensitive skin, benzoyl peroxide may be the better choice.

Other OTC acne treatments

Benzoyl peroxide isn’t your only treatment option for acne and acne scars. Other OTC products can help treat bacteria, excessive oil, and dead skin cells too. Consider the following treatments:

When to see a doctor

No acne product will clear up your blemishes and scars overnight. Such is the case with benzoyl peroxide. It can take up to six weeks for new products to take full effect.

If you don’t see any improvements after six weeks, consider seeing a dermatologist. They might recommend a prescription-strength formula, especially if your acne is severe. They may also recommend an entirely different treatment option.

Be prepared to answer questions about your acne and its severity so your dermatologist can determine the best treatment option possible. They will also conduct a skin exam to see the type of acne you have.

The takeaway

Benzoyl peroxide is one of the many options available for treating acne.

Its enduring popularity goes beyond its availability and affordability — benzoyl peroxide can help treat inflammatory acne lesions and related scarring. It’s most helpful when used together with other treatments, such as topical retinoids.

Still, everyone’s skin is different, and benzoyl peroxide may not work for all. Give any new acne product several weeks to take full effect before moving on to the next one. See a dermatologist if OTC products aren’t working or if you develop a negative reaction to benzoyl peroxide.

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