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Minocycline benzaclin.Minocycline benzaclin.
MetronidazoleAntibiotic, anti-inflammatory0.75% or 1%; once or twice per dayErythema, pustules, nodules0.75%: $50 to $60 ($214) for 45 g1%: NA ($137 to $160) for 60 gAzelaic acidAntibiotic, anti-inflammatory15%; once or twice per dayErythema, pustules, nodulesNA ($127) for 50 gSulfacetamide/sulfurAntibacterial, keratolytic10%/5%; once or twice per dayErythema, pustules, nodules$29 for 50 g ($66 to $131 for 45 g)Benzoyl peroxideAntibacterial5%; once or twice per dayErythema, pustules, nodules$13 ($22) for 45 gErythromycinAntibiotic, anti-inflammatory2%; twice per dayPustules, nodules$19 for 30 g ($33 for 27 g)✓ClindamycinAntibiotic, anti-inflammatory1%; twice per dayPustules, nodules$18 ($63) for 30 gSilymarin and methylsulfonylmethaneBioflavonoid, anti-inflammatory, photoprotectiveTwice per dayErythema, telangiectasias, nodules, stinging—TretinoinEpidermal keratinization0.025%, 0.05%, or 0.1%; at bedtimePustules, nodules0.025%: $40 ($57 to $77) for 20 g0.05%: $46 ($88) for 20 g0.1%: $47 ($101) for 20 gAdapaleneEpidermal keratinization0.1% or 0.3%; at bedtimePustules, nodules0.1%: NA ($169 to $172) for 45 g0.3%: NA ($161) for 45 gPermethrinAntiparasitic (Demodex folliculorum)5%; twice per dayErythema, pustules, nodules$20 ($19 to $73) for 60 g
Minocycline benzaclin.
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Канистровый внешний фильтр выбирают за хорошую производительность.
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